Dept. Head | : | Dr. P. G. Saji |
Location | : | |
Phone No | : | 04812592206 |
OP days | : | Monday to Saturday |
Casualty Services | : | Everyday |
Specialty clinics | ||
De addiction and Tobacco Cessation | : | Tuesday |
Palliative Psychiatry | : | Wednesday |
Suicide Prevention | : | Thursday |
Child and Adolescent | : | Saturday |
Consultation Liaison/ Psychosomatic | : | Everyday |
Students’ Counselling | : | Saturday |
About Us

The Department of Psychiatry, Government Medical College Kottayam was established in 1967 has the unique distinction of being the first General Hospital Psychiatry unit in the state of Kerala. The Department caters to the needs of the revenue districts of Kottayam, Idukki, Pathanamthitta, and parts of Ernakulam and Alappuzha. Postgraduate training (MD) in Psychiatry was started in the year 2003. We have an annual intake of 2 MD candidates. The department also served as the training centre for DNB candidates.
Teaching Staff & Non-Teaching Staff
1 | ![]() Dr. P. G. Saji MBBS, DPM, DNB (PSYCHIATRY) TCMC Reg.: 18363 | Professor & HOD |
2 | ![]() Dr. Smitha Ramadas MBBS, DPM, DNB (PSYCHIATRY), MNAMS TCMC Reg.: 22542 | Professor(CAP) |
3 | ![]() Dr. Nisha Cyriac MBBS, MD, DNB (PSYCHIATRY) TCMC Reg.: 21515 | Assistant Professor |
4 | ![]() Dr. Sandeep Alex MBBS, MD (PSYCHIATRY) TCMC Reg.: 30489 | Associate Professor(CAP) |
5 | ![]() Dr. Priya G. Menon MBBS, DPM, MD (PSYCHIATRY) TCMC Reg.: 39694 | Assistant Professor |
6 | ![]() Dr. Aravind K. MBBS, MD (PSYCHIATRY) TCMC Reg.: 44109 | Assistant Professor |
7 | ![]() Dr. Soumya Prakash MBBS, MD (PSYCHIATRY) TCMC Reg.: 40589 | Assistant Professor |
8 | Mr. Jomon K George | Clinical Psychologist |
Inpatient care (42 beds), Outpatient services, Consultation Liaison Services, Medicolegal services, Social welfare services, Psychological services, Modified Electroconvulsive therapy and Biofeedback. Approximately 25,000 outpatient visits and 800 admissions are handled by the Department in a calendar year. In addition, specialty clinics cater to several hundreds of patients.
The Department was chosen as one among the centre for the National level Multicentric Research on “Mixed features in first episode depressive disorder” which won the prestigious Marfatia Award of Indian Psychiatric Society 2023.The faculty members and PG trainees are actively involved in research activities. The research papers on Suicide Prevention from the department attracted global interest. Mentoring the ICMR PIII GRANTATHON research project, Supervising PhD theses, KUHS approved PhD research centre, etc are some of the accomplishments of the department. The department also serves as the National Secretariate of the Indian Association of Social Psychiatry.
The department regularly conducts State and National level CME’s and conferences. The faculty is regularly invited to present papers at international and national levels on various topics of their expertise. Many of the alumni of the department are university and national level rank holders and members and fellows on National and International academic bodies such as Royal College of Psychiatrists UK and Royal Australia and NewZealand College of Psychiatrists.
Publications (2018-2023)
- Searching for the Child’s Mind. Punnoose V. P. (2018). Kerala Journal of Psychiatry, 30(2).
- Measuring Pain Behaviour: Scale of Pain Expression Behaviours (SOPEB). Varkey, S. M., Babu, P. K., & Punnoose, V. P. (2018). Kerala Journal of Psychiatry, 30(2).
- Spirituality, religion and coping in patients with schizophrenia, a cross-sectional study in a tertiary care hospital Soumitra Das, Varghese Panickasseril Punnoose, Nimisha Doval, Vijayakrishnan YN Psychiatry Research (2018). DoI: 10.1016/ j.psychres.2018.04.030.
- Interphase between skin, psyche and society: A narrative review. Aswanikumar BP, Das S, Punnoose VP et al Ind J Soc Psychiatry 2018; 34. 99-104 DoI: 10.4103/ ijsp.ijsp-92-17
- A comparative study on the psychosocial and treatment factors in frequency of episodes in bipolar affective disorder. Muhammad Issudeen, P. G. Saji. J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci./eISSN- 2278-4802, pISSN- 2278-4748/ Vol. 7/ Issue 09/ Feb. 26, 2018.
- Prevalence of psychiatric illness and its relationship with delinquent behaviour- A study among institutionalised children. Kaimal GG. J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci. 2018;7(03):259-263 DOI: 10.14260/jemds/2018/58
- Analysis of Factors Affecting the Job Satisfaction of Staff Nurses in a Tertiary Care Hospital, Kerala, India. Dr Jaimon Plathottathil Michael1, Dr Binu Abraham*, Dr Shabeer Chenganakkattil, Mr Ajith Mohanan. JMSCR Vol||06||Issue||12||Page 364-371||December 2018. DOI:
- Drug utilization pattern in Schizophrenia. Munjely EJ, BinduLatha Nair BLR, Punnoose VP
Intenational Journal of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology 2019;8: 1572-76
DOI: ijbcp20192652 - Anxiety and depression associated with vertigo: a cross-sectional study from India.
Asha CS, Kumar CTS, Punnoose VP, Jacob J. International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery 2019 March; 5(2): 291-298.
DOI: http://dx.doi. org/10.18203/issn.2454-5929.ijohns20190446 - Psychiatrist’s Perspective: Invited Commentary on “Early Diagnosis and Intervention for Autism Spectrum Disorder: Need for Paediatrician-Child Psychiatrist Liaison.” Punnoose, V. P. (2019). Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine, 41(1), 91–92.
- A Descriptive Study on the Phenomenology, Primary Diagnosis and Treatment Response of Catatonia in a General Hospital Psychiatry Setting. Punnoose, VP. (2019). International Journal of Scientific Research.
- Revisiting postgraduate (PG) psychiatry training in India. Kakunje, A., Punnoose, V. P., Ponnusamy, K. P., Mysore, A. V., & Daniel, S. J. (2019 Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine, 41(4), 380.
- Influence of family environment on childhood emotional and behavioural disorders. Ganga G Kaimal, Varghese P Punnoose, Saibunnisa Beevi K J Evid Based Med Healthc 2020; 7 (44), 2544-2549 DoI: 10.18410/ jebmh/2020/526
- A Cross-sectional study on comorbid depression among epileptic adults: experience from a tertiary hospital in Southern India. Surendran, M., Punnoose, V. P., V, S. C., & R, P. S. (2020). IP Indian Journal of Neurosciences, 6(4), 257–262.
- Proportion and risk factors of postnatal depression among women delivering in a government tertiary care hospital in Kerala, India Naheeda Mohammed KT, Lalithambica Karunakaran, Varghese P Punnoose. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol 2021; June 10(6) 2395-402 DoI: 10.18203/2320-1770.ijrcog 20212182
- Burden and Resilience among Care Givers of Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease – A Cross-Sectional Study at Government Medical College, Kottayam. DOI: 10.18410/jebmh/2021/503 Abdullah S, Saji PG, Kaimal GG, etal. Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare. 2021;8(30):2738-2742
- Psychiatric Morbidity among Patients Undergoing Haemodialysis – A Cross-Sectional Study at Government Medical College, Kottayam. Abdullah S, Saji PG, Kaimal GG. Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare. 2021;8(23):1982-1987. DOI: 10.18410/jebmh/2021/372
- Suicidal intent in young adults attending the suicide prevention clinic at a tertiary care centre in Kerala, India. Madhavan RK, Mathew R, Michael JP, et al. J Evid Based Med Healthc 2021;8(33):3110-3115. DOI: 10.18410/jebmh/2021/566
- A Cross-sectional Study on Coping Styles and Suicidal Intent among Young Adult Suicide Attempters at a Tertiary Care Centre in Kerala, India. Madhavan RK, Mathew R, Michael JP, Karunakaran A, Abraham B. [Internet].2021 October 15(10):VC01-VC04. doi:10.7860/JCDR/2021/50583/15480
- Delinquent behaviour and emotional intelligence among inmates of juvenile homes in Kerala, India. Kaimal GG, Vidhukumar K, Razeena Padmam MS. Kerala Journal of Psychiatry. 2021;34(1).DOI: 10.30834/kjp.34.1.2021.230
- Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence among Inmates of Orphanages: A Cross-sectional Study . Ganga G Kaimal. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2021 Feb, Vol 15(2); VC06-VC09. DOI: 10.7860/jcdr/2021/48316.14560
- Reliability and Validity of Malayalam Version of 5-Item International Index of Erectile Function. Karunakaran A. J Clin of Diagn Res.2021; 15(9):VC07-VC10.
- Depression, Perceived Stress and Sociodemographic Correlates among General Population During COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-sectional Survey from Southern India. Sasikumar, A., Karunakaran, A., Paulose, J., Venkateswaran, C., Michael, J. P., & Punnoose, V. P. J Clin of Diagn Res.2022; 16(5):VC15-VC19.
- A. Clinical and psychosocial profile of persons with mental illness living in non-hospital residential facilities in a district in Kerala, India: A cross-sectional survey. Ramkumar GS, Michael JP, Sadath. International Journal of Social Psychiatry. 2022;68(8):1783-1789. doi:10.1177/00207640211059678.
- The Impact of Abstinence from Alcohol on Erectile Dysfunction: A Prospective Follow up in Patients with Alcohol Use Disorder, Aravind Karunakaran, MD, Jaimon Plathottathil Michael, MD. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, Volume 19, Issue 4, April 2022, Pages 581–589,
Ongoing research
- 1.Clinical and socio-demographic profile of children admitted at a Mental Health Establishment in a General Hospital setting.
- Prevalence of adult ADHD in patients with Alcohol Use Disorder- A Cross-sectional Study.
- Abstinence as an outcome in patients with alcohol use disorder: A prospective study
- Alcohol and other psychoactive substance use and psychiatric morbidity in suicide attempters.
- Domains of Psychopathology and its relationship with personal and social performance in Schizophrenia.
- Personality profile of people with alcohol dependence and psychological impact on their spouses based on severity of alcohol use.
- Brain MRI pattern in memory related complaints/dementia – report based analysis.
- Anxiety, Depression, Suicidal behaviour, Substance Use, and Quality of Life among Transgender individuals
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in children of patients with Alcohol Use Diorder