- Case Record Receiving
- Deficiency Checking
- Coding
- Indexing
- Sorting (Numerical)
- Completion
- Filing
- Statistics of OP & IP
- Reply preparations of RTI, L.A, and other applications.
- Application receiving for wound certificate, Treatment Certificate, and Discharge Certificate.
- Issue Certificates to Police and Public.
- Records seizing procedure.
- Records produce before the court.
- Case Record retrieve for re-admission, study purpose, and Postmortem cases.
- Returned case sheets re-filing.
- Registers collecting and filing.
- Casualty Register
- O P Register ( Main O P)
- I P Register
- Accident Register cum Wound Certificate.
- Police intimation Register
- Birth Register
- Death Register
- Death intimation Register
- Temporary death Certificate Register
- Mortuary Register
- Abscond Register
- Discharge Case Sheet Register.
- Correction work in Birth register/Death register, and live correction in Case Records.
- RSBY (Case sheet issuing and returned Case Record refilling)
- Preparation of intimation letter for case sheet dues.
- NLC issue.
- Preparation the list of outstanding Records.