Hospital 0481 2592001  
Casualty 2592475



  1. Case Record Receiving
    • Deficiency Checking
    • Coding
    • Indexing
    • Sorting (Numerical)
    • Completion
    • Filing
  2. Statistics of OP & IP
  3. Reply preparations of RTI, L.A, and other applications.
  4. Application receiving for wound certificate, Treatment Certificate, and Discharge Certificate.
  5. Issue Certificates to Police and Public.
  6. Records seizing procedure.
  7. Records produce before the court.
  8. Case Record retrieve for re-admission, study purpose, and Postmortem cases.
  9. Returned case sheets re-filing.
  10. Registers collecting and filing.
    • Casualty Register
    • O P Register ( Main O P)
    • I P Register
    • Accident Register cum Wound Certificate.
    • Police intimation Register
    • Birth Register
    • Death Register
    • Death intimation Register
    • Temporary death Certificate Register
    • Mortuary Register
    • Abscond Register
    • Discharge Case Sheet Register.
  11. Correction work in Birth register/Death register, and live correction in Case Records.
  12. RSBY (Case sheet issuing and returned Case Record refilling)
  13. Preparation of intimation letter for case sheet dues.
  14. NLC issue.
  15. Preparation the list of outstanding Records.

Government Medical College

Kerala Pin-686008
Copy Right © 2007 Govt. Medical College Kottayam
Last Updated on 12-06-2023
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