Hospital 0481 2592001  
Casualty 2592475

Nursing Service Department

About Us

Nursing service department encompasses autonomous and collaborative care of individuals of all ages, families, groups and communities, sick or well, and in all settings. Our department emphasize on providing an integrated, need based, comprehensive nursing care approach with compassion, empathy and safe and secure clinical practice of highest quality.


  • Render high quality nursing service with integration of evidence based practice with constant skill and knowledge updation.
  • Respect each patient’s rights to safe, timely, effective and coordinated care.


  • To promote health and well being of the suffering humanity with compassion and respect.
  • To be recognized globally as highly qualified nursing professionals in the service.
  • Establish and maintain good working environment that encourages professional growth and personal satisfaction among nurses
  • Foster a positive attitude for professional image of nursing to the public through extended community services and professional relations.


  • Operation Theatres
  • Outpatient department
  • Public Relation Officer
  • Quality improvement Cell
  • Hospital infection control
  • Clinical nursing education unit
  • Security department
  • Social work department
  • Telephone exchange and reception department
  • Transport department
  • Laundry services
  • CSSD

Staff pattern

1Chief nursing officer1
2Nursing superintendent grade 13
3Deputy. Nursing Superintendents6
4Senior Nursing Officer80
5Nursing Officers442
6Hospital Attender33
7Nursing Assistants162
8Grade 1 attender80
9Grade II attender137
10Lift operator26
11CSSD technician2
12Assistant Foreman2
13Laundry attender7

Government Medical College

Kerala Pin-686008
Copy Right © 2007 Govt. Medical College Kottayam
Last Updated on 12-06-2023
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