Hospital 0481 2592001  
Casualty 2592475

DEPARTMENT OF Transfusion Medicine


Dept. Head :Dr. M S Suma
Blood Collection:All days except Sundays
Donor Registration:8:30 am- 1 pm

About Us

Department of Transfusion Medicine, Government Medical College Kottayam is a state of the art licensed blood centre catering the transfusion requirements of people in Central Kerala. The centre is third in the state in terms of annual blood collection of around 25000 . Blood centre also serves as mother centre for 5 blood storage units in Kottayam. Department serves as a referral centre in central Kerala for solving complex immunohematological cases. Academic Training is given for undergraduate medical and paramedical courses and postgraduate medical and paramedical courses. Department strives to give support to the complex superspeciality surgeries as well as solid organ transplants performed in the institute . Voluntary blood donation promotion activities and outdoor blood donation camps are being done on a regular basis at centre. Apheresis services are also available in the centre.


  • Blood Collection
  • Blood Component Separation
  • Apheresis
  • Out door blood donation Camps
  • Advanced Immunohematological Tests

Teaching Staff

1Dr. M S SumaAssociate Professor and HOD
3Dr. Chitra JamesAssociate Professor
4Dr. Jyothis PAssistant Professor
5Dr. Anjana T MAssistant Professor
6Dr. Anjana MohanAssistant Professor
7Dr. Mily SAssistant Professor
8Dr. Angel Mary SamSenior Resident

Non-Teaching Staff

1Sreekala T SScientific Assistant
2Jishamol SamBlood Bank Technician
3Deepak OmanakuttanBlood Bank Technician
4Dinu C PBlood Bank Technician
5Revathy T RBlood Bank Technician
6Anagha A PBlood Bank Technician
7Shini Chacko CBlood Bank Technician
8Sonia Jyothi VBlood Bank Technician
9Athira RajeevBlood Bank Technician
10Chandrika BBlood Bank Technician
11Bindhu K NBlood Bank Technician
12Radhikamol T RBlood Bank Technician
13Divya N VBlood Bank Technician
14Geethu V SBlood Bank Technician
15Lissymol C NBlood Bank Technician
16Aswathy MohanBlood Bank Technician
17Nisha SBlood Bank Technician
18Sreelakshmi P SBlood Bank Technician
19Sreekutty A. SBlood Bank Technician
20Archana GopanBlood Bank Technician
21Sneha P JBlood Bank Technician
22Girija GireeshBlood Bank Technician
23Abdul Hameed A EJunior Lab Assistant
24Anoop P JCounsellor
25Praveen P RajCounsellor
26Sunitha M SFull Time Sweeper


  • Voluntary Blood Donation Promotion Activities
  • Referral Centre for Advanced Immunohematology Testing

Ongoing Research

  • Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia Cases
  • Alloimmunisation in antenatal cases
  • Hemophilia Cases


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Government Medical College

Kerala Pin-686008
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Last Updated on 12-06-2023
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