Hospital 0481 2592001  
Casualty 2592475

DEPARTMENT OF Ophthalmology

Dept. Head :Dr. N. Vijayamma
OP Days:All days except Sunday
Specialty clinics
Glaucoma Clinic:Monday & Saturday 8am -3 pm
Retina Clinic:Monday & Saturday 8am -3 pm
Laser days:Tuesday , Wednesday 8am – 3pm
Eye Bank:All days 24 hours
Squint Clinic:Monday & Saturday 8am -3 pm
Mobile eye camps under Central Mobile unit on every Saturdays
Wards:Ward7 & Ward 8
Emergency services:All days – 24 hours
E- Sanjeevani:on Tuesday

About Us

The department of ophthalmology Government medical college, Kottayam caters to populations covering Kottayam, Idukki, Pathanamthitta, Ernakulam districts and part of Alapuzha. This is the only institution providing tertiary eye care in government sector to this population. Our department provides specialty care in retina and uvea , cataract, squint and pediatric ophthalmology, cornea and eye banking, neurophthalmology and orbit and refractive services.


  • Direct and Indirect Ophthalmoscopy
  • Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)
  • Fundus Fluoroescein Angiography (FFA)
  • Slitlamp Biomicroscopy
  • Ultrasound B scan
  • Utrasound Biomicroscopy ( UBM)
  • Humphrey field Analyser (HFA)
  • Specular microscopy
  • Fundus photography
  • Autorefractometry
  • Contact and noncontact tonometry
  • Lenstar biometry
  • Synoptophore
  • Hess chart
  • Endothelial cell count for donor cornea (Keratoanalyser)
  • Goniscopy
  • A scan with keratometer for IOL calculation
  • Cataract –manual small incision surgery and Phacoemulsification (Keyhole)
  • Squint surgery
  • Glaucoma surgery
  • Oculoplasty
  • Corneal transplantation surgery
  • Lacrimal sac surgeries
  • Amblyopia management
  • Retinal lasers for Diabetic retinopathy & macular oedema, Retinal Arterial and venous occlusions, Neovascular Glaucoma, Age related macular degeneration, Retinopathy of Prematurity, Retinal breaks and holes.
  • Intravitreal injections (Anti VEGF & steroids) & implants (Ozurdex) for Macular oedema due to various causes, Choroidal neovascular membrane, Polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy.
  • Surgical treatment for retinal detachment. Scleral buckling. Pneumatic retinopexy, Cryotherapy,Para plana vitrectomy , Macular hole surgery.
  • Emergency services

Teaching Staff

1Dr.N.VijayammaProfessor & Head
2Dr.C.P. PraveenAssoc. Professor (Cadre ) & Addl. Professor ( CAP)
3Dr.Liby JosephAddl. Professor ( CAP)
4Dr. Padmasree K.MAssoc. Professor ( CAP)
5Dr.Jisha KAddl. Professor (CAP)
6Dr. Manjit.P.SAsst. Professor
7Dr.Gargi SathishAddl. Professor ( CAP)
8Dr.Saritha.V.KAddl. Professor ( CAP)
9Dr.Natasha P.KAsst. Professor
10Dr.Sony K.JoseAsst. Professor
11Dr. Lekshmi HAsst. Professor
12Dr.Nishi R.SAsst. Professor
13Dr.Arya R GopiAsst. Professor
14Dr Asha SusanAsst. Professor

Non-Teaching Staff

1Mr. Sreekanth VClerk & Typist
2Mrs. Sudha C.POptometrist
3Mrs. Haritha R.OOptometrist
4Mrs. DhanyaOptometrist
5Mr. SajaneeshEye Bank Counselor


  1. Only centre with vitrectomy and retinal detachment surgery in central Kerala in the Government sector.
  2. DBCS recognition for the corneal transplantation surgery in the department .
  3. DBCS recognition for the conduction mobile eye camps and cataract surgery provided.
  4. Ultra clean modular OT facuty installed for the 1st time under Government sector .
  5. The only centre with facility for donor cornea ( Kadaver cornea) analyser using keratoanalyser machine in Govt. sector . We are conducting cornel transplantation under Mrithasanjeevani.
  6. Internship programme is studied with stipend for DOA students .
  7. Last year we got the state level 1st prize for post graduate quiz programme under kerala society of ophthalmic surgeries.
  8. Got 2nd prize for post graduate quiz programme under Cochin ophthalmic society and Alappuzha ophthalmic society.

Ongoing Research

  1. Dry eye following small incision and phacoemulsification cataract surgery
  2. Factors predicting visual outcome in patients with indirect traumatic optic neuropathy following road traffic accidents
  3. Nephropathy in type 2 diabetic patients with Retinopathy
  4. Effect of mean ocular perfusion pressure in primary open angle glaucoma
  5. Correlation of central corneal thickness axial length and keratometry in patient with refractive errors
  6. Accuracy of three different intraocular lens power calculation formulas in predicting post operative target refraction in patients undergoing cataract surgery.
  7. Distribution of intraocular pressure to cornea index and relationship between intraocular pressure to cornea index and optic disc,visual field changes in primary open angle glaucoma, normal tension glaucoma and ocular hypertension patients.
  9. Clinical profile and treatment outcome of patients with infective keratitis managed as inpatients in ophthalmology department of a tertiary care hospital in kerala.
    10Systemic and local diseases in patients presenting with episcleritis and scleritis in a tertiary care center in kerala
  10. Proportion of hypertensive retinopathy among elderly hypertensive patients presenting as acute coronary syndrome in a tertiary care centre in kerala.
  11. A study on surgical outcome following cataract surgery in senile cataract with lens induced glaucoma admitted in ophthalmology department of a tertiary care centre kerala.
  12. Visual out come in pediatric open globe injury.

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Government Medical College

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